My name is Katya Orlova, I am Ashtanga yoga practitioner and teacher. Hopefully this web-site can inspire you at your yoga journey.
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Practice, practice and all is coming
Pattabhi Jois
I started my yoga journey in 2009. I had some back pain that time, but at very beginning of yoga practice i started to observe inner transformations, they are my inspiration in yoga path.
In 2013 i started Ashtanga yoga in tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and switched my daily practice into it. My first trip in Mysore happened in 2014. That year i met Sharath Rangaswami Jois and started to practice under his guidence. Since then i come to KPJAYI every year.

I started to assist on classes and teach since 2013 in Ashtanga yoga center Moscow. I spend there 4 beautiful years of practice and 3 years of teaching, and started to teach on my own in different studios of Moscow. On my forth trip to Mysore my guru Sharathji authorized me to teach the method of Ashtanga yoga (level 2).

The depth of yoga pracrice
Contact me
Телефон: +79152074293
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